Social Foodies

Whole wheat flour Pizza
Place the milk in the basket of the bread machine (or in the bowl of the dough kneader) and melt the yeast together with the barley malt. Add the previously mixed and sifted flour (also combine the whole wheat flour crisp on the sieve), extra virgin olive oil and salt.
Start the bread crushing program or knead at medium / low speed with the dough kneader. As soon as the program is finished, transfer the dough into a slightly greased plastic bowl, cover it with a film foil and let it stand at room temperature until it doubles (about 3/4 hours).
After the rest time, gently roll the dough gently with your hands on the greasy baking tin and let it rise again for about 25 minutes.
Season the pizza with the sieved tomatoes, the sliced Piccadilly, the thinly sliced buffalo mozzarella, capers, anchovy fillets in oil and garnish with extra virgin olive oil.
Bake at 220 ° (in my oven I set the pizza and bacon function) for about 15 minutes.
Start the bread crushing program or knead at medium / low speed with the dough kneader. As soon as the program is finished, transfer the dough into a slightly greased plastic bowl, cover it with a film foil and let it stand at room temperature until it doubles (about 3/4 hours).
After the rest time, gently roll the dough gently with your hands on the greasy baking tin and let it rise again for about 25 minutes.
Season the pizza with the sieved tomatoes, the sliced Piccadilly, the thinly sliced buffalo mozzarella, capers, anchovy fillets in oil and garnish with extra virgin olive oil.
Bake at 220 ° (in my oven I set the pizza and bacon function) for about 15 minutes.
For the dough
200 g flour ground to stone
100 g organic whole spelled flour
2 g of dehydrated beer yeast
half a teaspoon of barley malt powder
150 ml lukewarm water
20 ml of skimmed milk
18 ml of Riviera Ligure DOP extra virgin olive oil
10 g of fine salt
Ingredients for the dressing
1 glass of extra fine sieved tomatoes Il delicato Petti
5 Piccadilly tomatoes
buffalo mozzarella from Campania DOP
anchovies in oil
Riviera Ligure extra virgin olive oil DOP